Fall Concert

September 18, 2024New Albany High SchoolNick Scroggins, Director

Symphonic Band

Into the Clouds! - Richard Saucedo

Kentucky 1800 - Clare Grundman

Wind Ensemble

Earthdance - Michael Sweeney

Autumn - Cait Nishimura

N.A.H.S. Centennial March - Newell Long

Jazz Ensemble

The Blues Walk - Clifford Brown

Bye, Bye Blackbird - Ray Henderson

Act Your Age - Gordon Goodwin

Holiday Spectacular

December 12, 2024New Albany High SchoolDale McCoy - Director of ChoirsNick Scroggins - Director of BandsAngela Thomas - Director of Orchestras

Symphonic Band

Ukrainian Bell Carol - arr. Richard Saucedo

A Christmas Tale (Beware the Krampus) - Randall Standridge

Percussion Ensemble

The Twelve Days of Christmas - arr. Richard Gipson

Jazz Ensemble

I'll Be Home for Christmas

Big Noise from the North Pole

Combined Ensembles

A Holiday Celebration - arr. Michael Story


March 8, 2025ISSMA District Jazz FestivalWhiteland Communtiy High SchoolNick Scroggins, Director
March 11, 2025New Albany High SchoolNick Scroggins, Director
April 26, 2025ISSMA Organizational FestivalFloyd Central High SchoolNick Scroggins, Director

Concert Band

Arabian Dances - Roland Barrett

Kingsfold - arr. Johnnie Vinson

Wind Ensemble

Halcyon Hearts - Katahj Copley

A Glorious Summer Day - Satoshi Yagisawa

Hosts of Freedom - Karl King

Jazz Ensemble

Cantaloupe Island - Herbie Hancock

Quiet Nights of Quiet Stars - Antonio Carlos Jobim

A Band's Gotta Do What A Band's Gotta Do - Paul Clark


May 15, 2025New Albany High SchoolNick Scroggins, Director

Jazz Ensemble

Green Onions - Booker T & the M.G.s

Tall & Lanky - Jeff Coffin

Symphonic Band

Music From Star Wars: The Force Awakens - arr. Michael Sweeney

Marching Band

Marching Band (Taylor's Version)